Top 10 beauty podcasts in French and English

Top podcasts on fashion, beauty, and sustainability

See what we’ve been listening to recently in French, Greek, and English. From the latest fashion news to interviews with founders of natural beauty brands and discussions on sustainability in the Mediterranean, these podcasts will inspire you and keep you up to date.


Chanel Connects

This arts and culture podcast launched by Chanel in 2021 is a masterclass in how luxury brands can create engaging content that taps into the cultural zeitgeist.

Season 2 includes episodes in French and Korean, too.


The BoF Podcast

Business of Fashion is the go-to for everyone who works in the UK fashion industry. Recent episodes include an interview with Christian Louboutin on building a global brand under his own name and why London is a hotbed of creativity and diversity.


Overnight Success with Maria Hatzistefanis

The Rodial and Nip + Fab founder launched her own podcast a while back to share the story behind her brands and how she has dealt with rejection as well as the overwhelming success of her skincare lines.


PodKat Beauté

This French podcast gets under the skin of women’s beauty and interviews founders of natural and organic beauty brands based in France.


Thrive Podcast

One of our lockdown finds, this Greek podcast focuses on wellbeing and how to thrive and stay balanced in a non-stop world.


Athens Voice

For more Greek podcasts, check out Athens Voice which covers everything from business and marketing tips to interviews with Greek writers, discussions about break-ups and ageing, healthy living, and more.


Planet Med by Plan Bleu

Since translating articles for Plan Bleu several years ago as a freelancer, our founder Katie has continued to follow the organisation and its work to promote sustainable development and protect coastal areas in the Mediterranean.


Mediterranean Sustainability Partners

If you’re interested in learning more about sustainability initiatives in the EU in a geopolitical context, this podcast in French and English covers a wide range of topics from green investments to energy security.